Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Valentine Crayons

Molded crayons seem to be all the craze these days and I’ve wanted to try making them for a while.  We had our nephew over two weeks ago to spend the night and we gave it it a try.  It was really fun and super megasimple.  

1. Remove the paper from old crayons.
2. Break crayons in to small pieces.
3. Fill molds with 3 shades of one color or 2-3 different colors of crayons bits.
4. Melt in oven at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.
5. Remove from oven and let them cool for 5-7 minutes.
6. Place whole mold in freezer for 12-15 minutes.
7. Pop crayons out of molds.


  1. Megan,

    Where did you get your molds? These are SO cute, I'd like to make a bunch for my kindergartners for Valentine's Day.


    P.S. I've started a new blog (and kinda abandoned my other one for a while) about my student teaching experience. Check it out here: http://mrsbecksgotclass.blogspot.com/

  2. Okay, I'm so in love with this idea, I linked this post on my teaching blog. Hope you don't mind! ;)


  3. We are going to give this a try for my son's kindergarten class'Valentines. It's just perfect for this snow day!

    Karen Lopez-Walker

  4. Where did you get the molds? Can you suggest anything else we could use? Would love to do it on this snowy day!!

  5. Aww,love this. Emma and had so much fun making them for the store in LC! I had little ceramic heart dishes that we made ours in.
    Such a cute Valentine gift for little ones. I also did molded birdseed with Knox gelatin for the older kids!

  6. Those are just too cute, Megan. I've been wondering what to do with all those crayons I saved when my kids were growing up, it never seemed right to throw them away, yet they always "needed" brand new ones each fall! Keep those mega simple ideas coming!

  7. Lily and Ty LOVE LOVE LOVE making these and using them. We made them to give away and they want to keep all of them. :-)
